Thank you for your interest in our Stone Sheep Hunting Dates. All species hunting dates can also be found on this website. We have immense knowledge of the wildlife populations where we guide. We have been providing this opportunity for Stone Sheep Hunts in BC for more than 20 years. We look forward to your hunt.
Stone Sheep 14 day hunt, backpack with possible horse assist. – Hunter pays for tags. This is not a combination hunt. The opportunity hunt ends when the primary species is harvested.
Stone Sheep Hunting Dates
First Hunt: August 1st – 15th
Second Hunt August 15th – 30th :
Primary Species and Combination hunts are available, call to discuss the details of your hunt.
Call 406-253-7147 Plan Your Hunt
Our hunting area is the most remote part of British Columbia. It’s comprised of a massive wilderness area in the northernmost part of the province, near the Yukon border. This area is unique in that it produces trophy-class animals of all five species with little travel between hunting areas.
Sheep produce excellent meat but they are relatively small in size and the effort required to retrieve meat from the rugged alpine areas they inhabit can be daunting. Male sheep, or rams, usually weigh less than 300 lbs (136 kg), and females (ewes) weigh less than 150 lbs (68 kg). The dressed weight of a 230-lb sheep is about 140 lbs (64 kg), and a sheep that size will yield about 80 lbs (36 kg) of meat.